Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Table Manners

Table Manners

One of Hubby and my favorite social activities has always been dining out with friends. We like to laugh and, until recently, all of our friends had great sense of humors. Maybe the acid reflux that plagues many seniors we know is affecting their funny bone. At one time, the only unofficial rule we followed was never to discuss politics unless we knew our dinner companions agreed with us. If our dinner companions insisted on toxic political conversations, we deleted them from our unofficial supper club.

Now that we are seniors and Hubby has lowered his tolerance for nonsense level, I find we are expanding our do not call list to include self-absorbed, negative people. Yes, we want to hear about everyone’s lives, but not if all they do is complain. It’s worse than incessant bragging. How many hours can we long time residents of Florida listen to new northern transplants insist everything was better up North?
“Move back,” my husband tells them.
So far, no one has taken up his suggestion.

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